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Success Stories - Brea Cats In Need

Success Stories

Duke and Count ADOPTED!
Success Stories

These two adorable little ones are Duke and Count. They had a sibling who was recently adopted named Duchess. They are about twelve weeks old and love to play together. They love to run around, chase and hunt each other and then when it's time for a nap will sometimes snooze together. They are sweet and playful and would love a home together.

Duke and Count

Duke and Count (pic. #2)

[ 1127 reads ]

Sojourn ADOPTED!
Success Stories

As we are sadly seeing too many times right now Sojourn comes to us because of her owner's need to downsize. We had adopted out Sojourn five years ago and unfortunately she is back with us looking for a new home. This beautiful girl is twelve years old. She's fun and lively and loves to talk. She's so sweet. I hate to see her in here again, she must be so confused about what's going on. Please give this sweet kitty a forever home.



[ 1292 reads ]

Success Stories

Pearl is a spunky little girl who was found in the middle of a street. She's about 9 months to a year old. She's very interested in the neighbor kitties around her in the store. She is ready for play! She would do better in a home with older or no children. This pretty kitty wants a home soon!

Pearl (pic. #1)

Pearl (pic. #2)

[ 1298 reads ]

Citriney ADOPTED!
Success Stories

This shy little girl's name is Citriney. She's about five months old. Citriney was found by a nice woman in a hole that had shards of glass and metal in it. Unfortunately she couldn't keep her because her cats didn't like her. Citriney is so scared in the store (Petsmart) right now. She needs a quiet, loving a patient home where she can feel loved and safe. She deserves it!


[ 1288 reads ]

Success Stories

This cool cat is Gatsby. He's about eight months old. He is such an easygoing cat. If you hold him and pet him he loves it! He purrs so loudly! He's a sweetheart who just wants someone to take him home. He will give you a lot of love and affection in return.


[ 1279 reads ]

Lady and Clover ADOPTED!
Success Stories

These two adorable little ones are Lady and Clover (both female). They are about 13 weeks old. Clover is the black and white kitten and Lady is the brown and white tabby. They are so much fun! They love to play with each other. If you're having a bad day they will certainly brighten it for you. Just watching them play with each other will instantly put a smile on your face. While they are both "tom boys" Clover is probably the more rambunctious one of the two, as you can see from one of the pictures I took of her. That's her jumping up at the camera just as I clicked the button. They love to be together so we'd like to find them a home together if possible.

Lady and Clover
Clover (of Lady and Clover-pic. #1)

Clover (of Lady and Clover-pic. #2)


[ 1598 reads ]

Success Stories

This adorable little one is C.J. She's about four months old. She was rescued outside of a Carl's Jr (hence the name "C.J."). The poor little thing was alone and hungry. She has now blossomed into a sweet, gentle playful youngster. She would love to have a playmate!


[ 1269 reads ]

Dorito and Maddy both ADOPTED!
Success Stories

Dorito and Maddy are about nine to ten months old. Dorito is the male orange and white kitty and the gray one is Maddy (female). They are both shy but very sweet. They felt safe with each other so they stuck close to each other. That's why I have a picture of the two of them squished together in a bed. They deserve a loving home. Please give them one!

Dorito and Maddy both ADOPTED!


[ 1491 reads ]

Ms. Mishi ADOPTED!
Success Stories

Ms. Mishi is only about a year-and-a-half old but she's already had a litter of kittens. All of her kittens have found homes but she is still looking for one. She's a spunky cutie who loves to play with feather toys. Please let it be her turn to find a loving home like her kittens have.

Ms. Mishi (pic. #1)

Ms. Mishi (pic. #2)

Ms. Mishi (pic. #3)

Ms. Mishi (pic. #4)

[ 1350 reads ]

Success Stories

Tyler is the son of Felicity. They were both adopted out together but since their owners had to downsize they are now back with us looking for new homes. Tyler is about three years old. He's a bit more outgoing then his mom but is still a little shy until he feels comfortable. He's a sweetie that loves to be pet. He doesn't really like the flash on my camera as you can see from the pictures, but who can blame him!

Tyler (of Felicity and Tyler) pic. #1

Tyler (of Felicity and Tyler) pic. #2

[ 1224 reads ]

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