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Success Stories - Brea Cats In Need

Success Stories

Success Stories

This handsome guy is Teddy. He's an all black medium length haired kitty who is now about nine-months-old. He's had different roommates in the store with him (he gets along with other cats just great!). He's watched all of them get adopted but he is still waiting to be taken home. He's a sweet, calm and loving kitty. I don't understand why he hasn't been scooped up and brought home (neither does he). Please finally give him the loving home he deserves.


[ 1141 reads ]

Bouncer ADOPTED!
Success Stories

Bouncer is a male brown and white domestic short haired tabby who is five-months-old. He was born in a yard in Fullerton. His brother and sister have already been adopted and now it's Bouncer's turn! Like most kittens his age he loves to run, jump and play. He's a little shy with people at first, but once you earn his trust he purrs very loudly when you give him a hug and hold him close. He's a really big cutie!

Bouncer (pic. #1)

Bouncer (pic. #2)
Bouncer (pic. #3)

[ 1199 reads ]

Success Stories

Chai is a female, brown tabby who is about one-year-old. She was found roaming around at a school. She has a sort of Egyptian Mau (a cat breed) look to her. She looks very regal doesn't she? Well, trust me, she does in person (my pictures might not show it too well :-). Call to make an appointment to visit with this beautiful lady.

Chai (pic. #1)

Chai (pic. #2)

Chai (pic. #3)

[ 1194 reads ]

Garfield ADOPTED!
Success Stories

Garfield is a two-year-old male orange tabby who is very active. He loves to play! He likes other kitties (when introduced properly). He doesn't mind being held at all. In fact he loves the attention! He's a sweetheart!

Garfield (pic. #1)

Garfield (pic. #2)

Garfield (pic. #3)

[ 1125 reads ]

Queen Queen ADOPTED!
Success Stories

This incredibly sweet creature seems as if she has led a tough life in her short eight years. She was abandoned at an apartment complex, her fur was matted and she is missing some teeth. She eats canned food just fine though! She loves to have her head stroked and scratched gently and just needs someone to give her a chance. She has so much love to give.

Queen Queen

Queen Queen (pic. #2)

[ 1136 reads ]

Holly and Elmo BOTH ADOPTED!
Success Stories

This is Holly (female) and Elmo (male). The poor things are so nervous right now. They are both ten-year-old tabbies who need to find a new home because their owner had to move and unfortunately couldn't keep them. So you can understand why they are scared. Their fur color is a burnt orange color that you really have to see in person to see how beautiful they are. They are so very sweet and would love to stay together.

Holly (of Holly and Elmo)

Elmo (of Holly and Elmo)

Holly and Elmo

[ 1192 reads ]

Scotty and Teddy both ADOPTED!
Success Stories

Teddy has been looking for a home for awhile now. In fact he was first on the website with his brother Timmy when they were about 14 weeks old. Timmy has recently been adopted and now Teddy is still looking for a home. Teddy is now about six-months-old and is a medium-length haired all black kitty. Teddy has a new buddy who is also looking for a home. Scotty is also a male about the same age. He is the one with the short hair (also all black). They are sweet and love to play together!

Scotty and Teddy both ADOPTED!


[ 1154 reads ]

Priscilla ADOPTED!
Success Stories

Look at those beautiful eyes! How anyone could abandon this beauty is beyond me. This pretty girl (with one blue eye and one light green eye) is Priscilla and she is about four years old. She was left in a box at a Home Depot. She was very scared. When she feels safe she loves to play, be brushed and petted. 


[ 1179 reads ]

Buckaroo and Vinny ADOPTED!
Success Stories

Well, if you've visited this website recently you'll remember that Buckaroo had a buddy named Bunny (you'll now see her on the "Success Stories" page). She has now been adopted. Buckaroo now has a new friend in the cage with him who is also looking for a home. His name is Vinny. Vinny is a spunky five-month-old Siamese mix. He loves to play with Buckaroo. In case you didn't get to see Buckaroo's description (since I moved his and Bunny's story over to the "Success Stories" page for Bunny) I can tell you that he is also a five-month-old little guy who loves to play with other kitties but is very shy. He needs a little time to warm up to you, but he is a sweetie! They would both very much like to find a home of their own now. If they could continue to stay together that would be even better! 

Buckaroo (of Buckaroo and Bunny)

Vinny (of Buckaroo and Vinny)

Buckaroo and Vinny

[ 1154 reads ]

Aeris a.k.a Mr. Blue Eyes ADOPTED!
Success Stories

Aeris is a beautiful seven month old Flame Point Siamese. He loves to run, jump and play as any young kitty does. He's also very curious. Trust me, while the picture doesn't show them off very well, he has beautiful blue eyes.

Aeris a.k.a Mr. Blue Eyes

[ 1205 reads ]

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