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Success Stories - Brea Cats In Need

Success Stories

Success Stories

This big beautiful boy's name is Sam. He is about five years old and was rescued from outside. He is very sweet, loves to be pet and loves kitty treats! He is very unhappy being in a cage. He's told me so in long unhappy kitty meows. When I let him out he lets me know how much he appreciates the attention by rubbing up against my leg. He is so eager to be loved and to find someone to give love to.

Sam #2 (pic. #1)

Sam #2 (pic. #2)

[ 1213 reads ]

Ziggie ADOPTED! Sassy still AVAILABLE!
Success Stories

This little guy is so adorable and soft. I don't think he'll last long in the store (at least I hope not. I hope he gets adopted soon!). This cutie is Ziggie. He is a five month old tabby. He is soft and sweet and doesn't mind being held. He is also very playful. As he should be at this age. What he shouldn't be is stuck in a cage! Please consider taking this sweetheart home!
By the way, I know that the second picture is a really bad one, but I just had to include it! It's not easy taking a picture through the glass in that store. But isn't he cute?

Ziggie (pic. #1)
I just found out that Ziggie has a really cute sister that he would love to have adopted with him! Her name is Sassy and she is absolutely adorable. She is a five-month-old pastel torti. They are very sweet together.
Ziggie (pic. #2)

Ziggie ADOPTED! Sassy still AVAILABLE!

Jimmy, Justin and Jenny ALL ADOPTED!
Success Stories

Well, we started with three little black 4 1/2 month old kitties (two males and one female), and now there are two. One of the males (Justin) was adopted before I got the chance to post this to the website. Jimmy and Jenny still need a home. I apologize for the poor pictures of them, but trust me, taking pictures of three 4 1/2 month old kitties is not an easy thing to do! They were all over the place having fun! Plus, I couldn't tell them apart! So I have two pictures of them, I'm not sure who they are pictures of, and the third picture proves that there were three of them at one time (this was the only time I could get all of them in one shot and when they were not moving...during dinnertime :-). They are sweet, fun and very playful!

Jimmy, Justin or Jenny

Jimmy, Justin or Jenny (pic. #2)

Jimmy, Justin and Jenny (pic. #3)

[ 1178 reads ]

Success Stories

Just look at this little cutie! This is Chloe. She is a four month old tortoiseshell. She was rescued as a tiny kitten and is now looking for a home. She's active, curious and playful. And boy is she sweet! I'm surprised she hasn't been snatched up yet! Please consider taking this sweetheart home.

Chloe (pic. #1)

Chloe (pic. #2)

[ 1200 reads ]

Sabrina ADOPTED!
Success Stories

Sabrina first came to us with her two kittens and with who was believed to be the father of those two kittens. The father and her two kittens have all since found homes and now it's Sabrina's turn! She is only 1 1/2 years old, good with children (if they're nice to her!) and good with other cats. She loved to play with her kittens. It makes me sad to see her alone now waiting to be adopted herself. I don't understand why she's still with us. She's so pretty and loving. Please give her the home she deserves!


[ 1222 reads ]

Milkshake ADOPTED!
Success Stories

This pretty little pastel torti is Milkshake. She is 1 1/2 years old. She is good with other cats and is a big sweetheart! If you visit her in the store she will say hello to you by bonking her head into the glass (I think she's just trying to be pet by you but doesn't quite understand that you can't do that with the window in the way). She is so loving and will just purr and melt in your arms. All she wants is for someone to give her some love. She has so much love to give in return!

Milkshake (pic. #1)

Milkshake (pic. #2)

[ 1120 reads ]

Success Stories

This pretty girl is Sasha. She didn't have a chance to make it to the website under the "Adoptable Cats" section. She was scooped up before I got the chance to see her and take some pictures of her. That's the way I like it though! I have heard from Sasha's new parents (wonderful people who have adopted from us before) and she is doing great in her new home! She is getting along with her two new brothers Little Bear and Mr. Pipps. There is a little bit of hissing if she gets too close too fast but there's no fighting. She's a brave little girl and has no problem running right up to her brothers.

Sasha (pic. #1)
Another happy ending!

Sasha (pic. #2)

Susie Q (pic. #3)
In loving memory of Susie Q. We'll miss you sweetie!

[ 1320 reads ]

Horatio now Harper! ADOPTED!
Success Stories

This handsome fella is Harper. This is the sort of story that I love to write for this web site. I never got the chance to meet the kitty because he was brought into the store after a Tuesday (Tuesday is my day to clean in the store) and was adopted before the next Tuesday (the next time I came in). He was adopted out that quickly! His new parents have let me know that after only two days he has come out and has happily become a member of the family and is doing well. By the way, if you think Harper is a cutie you should also check out his sister who is still waiting to be adopted. Check her out on our adoptable cats section.

Horatio now Harper

[ 1160 reads ]

Benjamin ADOPTED!
Success Stories

This big guy just broke my heart. I was there when his foster mom brought him into the store to be in a cage so he can be seen by potential adopters. He is so sad, confused and unhappy. You see, Benjamin was adopted into a home as a kitten and had lived in that same home until now. Unfortunately, his owner lost her home and had to give Benjamin up. Benjamin is now TEN! Can you imagine having a home for ten years and then suddenly you find yourself in a cage in a store? The poor guy doesn't understand what happened. He just curled up into a ball and didn't move. I'm sure (as a lot of the other kitties do) he just needs some time to get comfortable with his new surroundings. My hope and prayer for him is that he won't be in the store long enough for that to happen and someone will adopt him soon. He is such a sweetheart who just needs a loving and patient person to give him the wonderful home he deserves.

Benjamin (pic. #1)

Benjamin (pic. #2)

[ 1181 reads ]

Success Stories

Just look at this beautiful girl! The colors on her are very bold looking and pretty. This is Holly. She is one-year-old. She is a very loving kitty who, once she is comfortable with you, would love to curl up on your lap. She was left outside a Chino Petsmart with her brother, who has already been adopted. Now it's her turn!

Holly (pic. #1)

Holly (pic. #2)

[ 1163 reads ]

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