
Beauty ADOPTED!!!!!

Beauty ADOPTED!!!!!
Success Stories

Beauty is a 5-6 year old black and white male cat. He is originally from Arizona (where he was adopted) and moved here with his owner. When his owner realized he would be traveling too much for his job to take care of his cat he gave him to Cats in Need. I try not to have favorites, but sometimes a very special kitty will come along and just get into your heart, and that is what Beauty has done with me. I wish I had a bigger home for him to join us, he is so special. He's loving and very sweet and also likes to give gentle little head butts. He also does well with other cats. Beauty really lives up to his name not only in appearance, but also in his personality and his spirit. He would make a wonderful addition to a family!

Beauty pic. #2
Sadly, Beauty is still waiting to be adopted. He is now another year older but is still as sweet as ever. He is so loving and purrs so loudly. I wish someone would give him the chance to show how truly special he is. He has so much love to give. That's all he wants out of life. Someone that he can give his unconditional love to. 

ADOPTED! After waiting for so long, Beauty now has his happy ending! I'll miss you Beauty. I hope you have a good life, you deserve it!

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